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What brands say about us?

Brands trust us with their Returns and Order Tracking.

Aditya Rathore

Founder, What The Flex

This app is amazing and the support is excellent. We required a better way to carry out our Customer shipping returns and these guys built the customized return flow in less than a week. The return portal looks decent and highly configurable.

Axel Brake

Owner, LosAngeles Apparel

This app is amazing and the support is excellent. We required a better way to carry out our Customer shipping returns and these guys built the customized return flow in less than a week. The return portal looks decent and highly configurable. We were having problem with return zap earlier which was carefully done by the team.

Samuel Milligan

Founder, Reprimo

This auto return app is amazing for managing returns and exchanges. Their assistance in integrating DPD, Royal Mail, and Shippo has been invaluable. Our team loved the customisability this app offers. They really listen to our problems and work proactively to solve them. The easy return helps my customers get return labels in no time. I love the return portal design and its customisability. The support is fantastic and they really like to work closely with their clients which is very useful in our industry.

Aditya Rathore

Founder, What The Flex

This app is amazing and the support is excellent. We required a better way to carry out our Customer shipping returns and these guys built the customized return flow in less than a week. The return portal looks decent and highly configurable.

const lenis = new Lenis({ duration: 1, easing: (t) => 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 5), smoothWheel: true, smoothTouch: true, damping: 0.00001 }) function raf(time) { lenis.raf(time) requestAnimationFrame(raf) } requestAnimationFrame(raf)